as featured in:

In 2000, after a decade in the corporate world, I left my director position to transform my part-time yoga career into my full-time vocation. Since then, I’ve contributed to, and been featured in, a variety of nationally-acclaimed wellness, yoga, mindfulness, and other health-focused publications and media outlets as an expert in restorative yoga and mindfulness. In addition to my blog articles, practices, workshops, retreats, and trainings, these pieces will offer you more information about how and why to embrace mindfulness in your movement practice and everyday life.
featured articles, contributions & reviews
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It's National Relaxation Day: 4 ways to relax at your office
Good Morning America
By: GMA Wellness
"Good Morning America" turned to two experts for tips on how to relax while you're at work.The good news is that relaxation doesn't mean you have to lay down on a couch or take a nap, two things that would turn heads in the office.
Three Ways for Children to Try Meditation at Home
New York Times
By Jillian Pransky
There are many apps, classes and books to guide children in meditation, but it is easy (and free) to start at home. You don’t need props like chimes or incense. The more meditation becomes integrated into daily living, the more successful it will be. Here are some exercises to try. Read More...
Naturally calm: Alternative Anxiety Therapies
Chronogram Magazine
By: Wendy Kegan
Anxiety separates you—it makes your neighbor seem like the other. It makes you build walls instead of bridges," says Pransky. "But when we meet ourselves with care, warmth, and presence, we can change our neurology.
Find Serenity Now
Yoga Journal
By: Jillian Pransky
In this hectic technological age, restorative yoga is a bountiful vehicle for easing tension and bringing forth a profound sense of calm. Try this deeply relaxing sequence, paired with introspective journaling, to get present and comfortable on and off your mat.
Why Restorative Yoga Is the ‘Most Advanced Practice’
Yoga Journal
In YJ’s newest course, Restorative Yoga 101, Jillian Pransky, director of Restorative Therapeutic Yoga teacher training for YogaWorks and author of Deep Listening, will have you rethinking rest one deep breath at a time.
On Solid Ground
Yoga Journal
By Karen Macklin
It's been a long week, so you sign up for a Friday evening restorative yoga class. Unwinding with some rejuvenating supported postures for an hour and a half sounds perfect—almost like a minivacation. But moments after you close your eyes and immerse yourself in the first pose, an unexpected visitor arrives: anxiety.
4 Gentle Yoga Poses That Will Help Balance Your Hormones
By Maggie Finn Ryan
We all know that chronic stress can do a number on our bodies because it causes our hormones—specifically, adrenaline and cortisol—to go haywire. Among other not-so-fun symptoms, too much cortisol can cause weight gain and suppress the immune system. But never fear: Yoga might help keep these hormones in check.
Healing Power Of Story
Kripalu Blog
By: Lisa Weinert
Kripalu presenter Lisa Weinert—founder of Archer Publishing, a frequent speaker about narrative medicine, and a yoga teacher trained in therapeutic and restorative yoga—spoke with Jillian about her work.
Do-Anywhere Grounding Techniques To Fight Stress & Bolster Your Immune System (Because Winter Is Coming)
As the seasons change and the leaves fall, reconnect to the earth by doing some grounding work to help you preserve your energy and keep your immune system healthy. Come winter, you’ll be glad you did.
Listen with Your Heart
Spirituality & Health
By: Kalia Kelmenson
It’s so easy to get pulled into our head, to analyze and criticize, to figure it out and make it happen. Spending all of our time in our heads, however, can leave us disconnected with our heart. Spend some time this season reacquainting yourself with the whispers of your heart.
featured interviews
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Exploring Spaciousness And Clarity In The Unknown
By: Phoebe Miller
I share with Phoebe my own journey of letting go of control to experience spaciousness again and again. We speak about her relationships with her son & father are also mirrors of our collective stories of finding our way back to meeting ourselves again.
Jillian Pransky On Deep, Somatic Listening
The One You Feed
In this interview, Jillian dives deep into the topic of somatic listening; what it is, why it’s important, how to do it and the benefits you can expect.
A Restorative Practice For All
Home & Family Channel
Aired: April 2019
Enjoy this short but powerful restorative practice featured on the Home and Family Channel.
Deep And Deeper: Mark Nepo And Jillian Pransky
Shine On!
By: Lisa Weinert
Kripalu presenter Lisa Weinert—founder of Archer Publishing, a frequent speaker about narrative medicine, and a yoga teacher trained in therapeutic and restorative yoga—spoke with Jillian about her work.
From Exhaustion To Rejuvenation: How Yoga Helped Me Heal
Yoga Journal
My personal story of how the practice of Restorative Yoga has healed me over and over again in my life.
With Carol Massar And Cory Johnson
Bloomberg Radio
Enjoy this fast paced and energized talk that will leave you feeling more calm and clear.
Deep Breathing Interview with Pat Farnack
Cbs Radio
Deep Breathing. One way to release tension and re-adjust your body, says Jillian Pransky, is through deep breathing exercises.
5-Minute Meditation
Forbes Radio
Interview by: Vicky Valet
5-Minute Meditation with expert Jillian Pransky.
The Life Changing Practice Of Softening Into Your Authentic Self
The Divine Feminine Yoga Telesummit
In February 2016, I was one of 25 featured experts in women’s empowerment and yoga for The Divine Feminine Yoga Conference. Judith Lasater, Angela Farmer, Sally Kempton, Amy Weintraub, Nischala Joy Devi and many other amazing teachers shared their personal stories and encouragement to live more authentically even in the face of self-doubt or fear.
Mindplay To Expand Love In Your Life
Friendship is as important to our health as getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising. In this talk Jillian Pransky tells us that this is old news. 2,500-years ago Metta meditation was presented as a path to befriend our selves and develop a greater capacity to connect deeply with others - in the playground of our mind.