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winter series: finding winter warmth - sacred pause: winter solistce mini-retreat

winter series: finding warmth within

Do you feel the pulse of the holidays picking up? As we move into the season, it’s not uncommon to have a heightened experience of busy-ness. If we don’t actively create some space and time to care for ourselves, we can grow tense and cut off from the very light, warmth, and resources we need to nourish ourselves at this time.

We can look to winter for inspiration. In this time in the Northern Hemisphere, nature is turning inward. The earth stops producing during the cold months so it may replenish its energy reserves. Like the earth, we need to slow down, turn inward, and recharge instead of depleting our energy. If we align with nature, we will begin to sense that, as we head toward the darkest day of the year (and the days surrounding it), it provides us with a built-in invitation to slow down and restore.

In this practice series, we will turn inward, clear space, and tend to our inner hearth, rekindling our own light, so we can shine more brightly in our lives, for ourselves, our families, and our communities. We will weave together mindful slow vinyasa flows, yin yoga, restorative yoga, and deep relaxation—emphasizing internal observation, slow and dynamic movement, rhythmic breathing, and fully supported rest—to help harmonize ourselves with the season.


Sacred Pause: Winter Solstice Mini-Retreat

Create space for warmth and rest during this Sacred Pause, through a practice that weaves together slow-flow yoga, meditation, and restoratives that will calm your body, clear your mind, and open your heart.

In Latin, the meaning of Winter Solstice is “sun set still in winter.” Historically, many cultures honor the solstice as a time to acknowledge the passage of life and death, and death and rebirth—our greatest contractions and expansions. After the long, dark evening of the Solstice, the sun experiences a rebirth; it waxes in power, and daylight hours begin to grow longer again. It is a very powerful time to pause and reconnect with our own innate luminosity.

In addition, taking time to prepare for the Winter Solstice and holiday season can deepen our sense of wholeness and well-being throughout the season. This mini-retreat will harmonize our bodies, minds, and spirits in order to return to our innate warmth, connectedness, and spaciousness.

Join us for the full series.

We are also now offering an Online Studio Membership that offers extended access to recordings from this series—and an entire library of classes for only $55 a month. Cancel anytime. Learn more here.

December 15

winter series: finding winter warmth

December 30

free weekly Deep Listening meditation