mindful walking: grounded, present & awakened

Mindful walking is a simple and quick tool to help you feel more connected to your body and grounded in your present experience. As a daily practice, mindful walking can make a big impact on your day. Try it the first time you leave your house—on your way to your car, the train, getting the mail or garbage, walking the dog, or even just up and down the steps of your house or building. You can do it every day, any time.

If you have time, include a practice of mindful walking 1-7 times a week. If you have five to 20 minutes, take time to walk in the park or parking lot of your office.

For those who don’t feel ready for a sitting meditation practice, this qualifies as your meditation! 


Instructions for Grounding

Start off by pausing to get grounded—even if just for a moment—in Tadasana (Mountain Pose). Stand tall, with your feet hip-width apart. Notice how your feet feel on the ground. Allow your feet to relax, filling out their outline. Take three elevator breaths down to allow your shoulders to drop away from your ears and your weight to lower closer to the ground. When you have fully landed on the ground, continue to stay connected to your feet, enjoy your breath, and begin to notice your environment (sights, smells, sounds.)

Begin walking mindfully. You don’t need to walk particularly slowly. Just slow enough to be fully aware of both your feet making a connection with the ground and your breath moving in and out of your body. However, don’t get so overly focused that you lose your awareness of what is actually happening in your environment (sights, sounds, smells, traffic, nature, etc.) Also, don’t get overly focused on anything in your environment, simply let it flow by you as you pass it.

If your mind feels pulled away to your list of things to do–or someplace other than your walk—don’t make a big deal about it. Allow yourself to offer a bit more attention and concentration on how your feet feel meeting the ground. Notice the sensations in your heels, then your toes. Eventually, bring your awareness to sense your whole body walking.

Each time you find your mind off on a task that is not about walking in the present moment, no worries. Just take a big breath and return your attention to the feeling of your feet on the ground.


Reflection / Journal Prompts

In your journal, take a moment now for reflection and introspection. 

This week, did you notice at some point that you lost your ground? How did you know? What came to your attention to realize, “I am not grounded right now?” 

Find a quiet place to sit with your notebook. Imagine a time you felt particularly grounded. As you sit with this memory, bring all your senses to it. Describe it as fully as possible. Write an invitation to reconnect with your more grounded self.




Blue Spirit Costa Rica March 30 - April 6, 2024

When we pause to nurture ourselves, we can better nurture our world. Spring is a perfect time to remove heaviness and invite in fresh energy, preparing you to fully bloom into the season — and into life. With an emphasis on grounding and expanding we will grow present and open with change, discover practices to help you thrive during times of paradox, ambiguity, and contradiction to embrace hope, love, beauty, and joy. 


mindful relaxation: feel calmer & cooler in less than 10 minutes!


metta meditation for a spacious heart