a meditation to welcome spring
Spring, Mindfulness/Meditation, Practice Now jillian pransky Spring, Mindfulness/Meditation, Practice Now jillian pransky

a meditation to welcome spring

A virtual Spring Cleaning Equinox mini-retreat designed to help you remove heaviness and invite in fresh energy, preparing you to fully bloom into the season. You will flow through a short series of breath-based mindful vinyasa, rejuvenating restoratives, and an intention-setting meditation that will leave you feeling more bright and aligned with spring’s expanding energy.

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change is inevitable, growth is optional
Fall, Stress & Anxiety Sophia Studio Fall, Stress & Anxiety Sophia Studio

change is inevitable, growth is optional

September races in, pushing us to a starting line. We launch eagerly into new commitments and rededicate ourselves to routine. Yet, along with the excitement of what is to come, we may also experience nostalgia, and sometimes anxiety for what we leave behind. While it is a time of new beginnings, it is also a time of letting go and release.

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relaxation revolution
Fall Sophia Studio Fall Sophia Studio

relaxation revolution

I admit, when glancing at an image of a restorative yoga pose, it could look like a luxurious nap. In fact, many people joke that it's yoga for lazy people. Another popular belief is that restoratives are really for sick, injured, or old people. And while Restorative is deeply restful and healing, it is not just a physical 'recovery' practice.

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